Please Note: If the only option available is Uninstall, then SOLIDWORKS was installed using an Administrative Image and a different procedure should be followed. (If using Windows 7 select the SOLIDWORKS installation and click Change ) From the list of installed programs find the SOLIDWORKS installation, select it and click Modify. If using Windows 7, go to the Windows Control Panel and launch Programs and Features. If using Windows 10, go to Go to Settings and then Apps & Features. NOTE: This step is not necessary if you are changing from a network license serial number to a standalone serial number, or if you are changing from a trial serial number to a permanent serial number. If you are currently using a standalone SOLIDWORKS license and changing to a different standalone serial number, or changing to a network license serial number, first launch SOLIDWORKS and from the Help menu select “Deactivate License”. To change the serial number that your SOLIDWORKS installation is using for it’s licensing you do not need to completely uninstall SOLIDWORKS and you don’t have to hack your Windows registry, you can change it directly through the SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager.

Sometimes it may be necessary to change SOLIDWORKS serial number for your installation, for instance if you need to change from a standalone to a network based license, or if you have installed the wrong license (such as perhaps your coworker’s Premium license … ) on your system.